Common Insect and Disease Control

Serving Marin County for over 35 Years

34 De Luca Place, Suite M

San Rafael, CA 94901


Phone: 415-472-7105

Fax:     415-721-2470


Insect or Disease



Best Season

Sudden Oak Death (Phytophthora) – affects Tanbark Oak, Coastal Live Oak, and Black Oak

Systemic fungicide to control SOD by triggering the defense response of tree

Initial Treatment –spray 2  times at six month intervals; annually after that

Any time

Bark Beetles (Ambrosia Bark Beetles, Red Turpentine Beetles) -  In flight from Spring through Fall

Systemic pesticide

Every 3-4 months, at least twice a year

Spray in Spring, again in mid to late Summer

General health and vitality

Deep Root Fertilization

Once a year

Spring and Summer

Bronze Birch Borer—in flight from Spring through Fall

Systemic Pesticide

Every 3-4 months, at least twice a year

Spray in Spring, again in mid to late Summer

Leaf fungus and fungal soil-born diseases

Systemic Fungicide

Once a year—treat early before tree foliates for Spring

Early Spring

Insect infestation, white flies, aphids, twig blight, scale, moths, leaf chewers

Foliar spray

As needed

Spring and Summer

Scale and fruit production


Coat tree with Agriculture oil. Coats winterizing eggs by 80%, sterilizes tree of fungal and bacterial spores.

Usually only one treatment required in winter before flowering begins
